In the era of digital marketing, digital writing assistance tools have stormed the marketing world and paved the way for more accurate, simple, and easy-to-read content. The two prominent tools stand out as the best content writing tools that not only analyze your content but also provide suitable and effective suggestions. Grammarly and Quillbot have gained immense popularity due to their unique features, distinctive qualities, and user-friendly interface. Grammarly is basically an AI-supported grammar checker since the beginning, whereas Quillbot started as a paraphrasing tool which later on added grammar checking features also. Both tools have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Moreover, which tool is apt for you depends on the requirements, comfort, time, and quality you want. Content writers get confused between these two tools, and it’s important to get a clear answer to this question – Which tool is better for you? Having a crystal-clear answer saves time, eliminates any doubts, and gives full confidence about what you are publishing. In this blog, we will shed light on what are the features of both the tools, and which one is better for you. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of which is better between Quillbot and Grammarly, and whether their premium versions are worth it or not.

Quillbot vs Grammarly – What are they?

Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant tool for content writers with a lot of features to make their writing error-free, easily readable, engaging, and grammatically correct. Besides that, it also highlights long sentences that are difficult to read and understand, gives suggestions for active voice, and enhances text clarity. It asks you to adjust the goals in terms of formality, audience, domain, and intent before providing any suggestions.

Quillbot is an extremely useful AI writing tool to paraphrase the content, change the simple words to something better and unique and rearrange them to create a completely new sentence. It offers fresh perspectives and new sentences that enhance the readability of your content. It offers you different modes to choose the tone and nature of your writing. Standard, formal, informal, creative, expand, shorten, etc., are some modes provided by Quillbot. Besides that, it offers a grammar checker, proofreader, spell checker, co-writer, plagiarism checker, etc.

Grammarly vs. Quillbot for writers – Unique Features

Grammarly and Quillbot are both excellent content writing assistant tools to help writers proofread and correct their content. Both tools have unique features that make them different from each other. Now which one is better for you depends on the features you want in your writing assistant tool. They also have some similar features, but the suggestions’ depth and intensity vary. Look at the features of Writing software: Grammarly vs Quillbot, and tick mark the requirements you want.


Grammar and spelling – It provides complete grammar suggestions like articles, conjunctions, prepositions, and punctuations, along with correcting spelling mistakes. If there are some custom words in your niche, Grammarly allows you to add them to the custom dictionary to avoid them being identified as a mistake. It even provides a comma, full stop, exclamation mark, question marks, etc, wherever you miss while writing.

Readability score – Based on the tone, voice, vocabulary, quality, paragraph, and sentence length, word count, easiness, etc., it gives a readability score to your content. The maximum is 100, and it’s crucial to maintain a high readability score to make your content user and SEO-friendly.

Style and Clarity suggestions – It provides valuable suggestions to improve the style and clarity of your writing. It allows you to change the sentence structure, improve clarity, and check engagement. By clarity, it means avoiding technical jargon, using easy-to-read and shorter sentences, active voice, and direct speech.

Plagiarism Checker – It checks your content and compares it with millions of pages present on the web. It identifies the potential plagiarism and gives a percentage of the plagiarism in your content. It’s important to keep the plagiarism percentage as low as possible.

Vocabulary Enhancement – Remembering millions of unique and different words is difficult, which results in the repetition of the same common words again and again. Grammarly provides a solution by highlighting a similar word and giving a modified word for that according to the context of the sentence. It enhances the richness and diversity of your content.

Tone Adjustment – Grammarly analyzes your content and understands its tone. Based on that, it provides solutions to alter some sentences that cause disturbance in the overall tone of your content.


Paraphrasing and Rewriting – Quillbot is the best tool for paraphrasing and rewriting the content. If you feel that the sentence looks much simpler, it’s a great tool to enhance it. It helps you to paraphrase the sentence by using synonyms, changing the structure, and enhancing the tone without changing its actual meaning. You get an alternative version of your content that is more modified, engaging, readable and innovative.

Different writing modes – Quillbot allows you to paraphrase your content into 9 different modes according to your tone and criteria. Standard, fluency, formal, academic, simple, creative, expand, shorten, and custom are the modes available for you. Now Is Quillbot premium worth it? Definitely, yes, because apart from standard and fluency, all other modes are accessible only in the premium mode.

Grammar checker – It checks grammatical errors like punctuation, articles, voice, speech, conjunctions, etc. It provides suggestions to correct the grammatical mistakes and enhance the clarity and structure of sentences.

Plagiarism checker – It allows you to check the content for plagiarism and verify its uniqueness.

Summarizer – Quillbot allows writers to create a summary or shorter version of the content. This helps writers to create an overall summary of the essays, comprehensions, blogs, and articles for different purposes.

Spell Checker – Spelling errors are common while writing, and a tool that can find and analyze these spelling errors is like a magic wand for writers. Quillbot finds the incorrectly spelled words and gives suggestions to correct them quickly.

Word Counter – Search engine experts have researched that content with 2000+ words is more favorable to search engine crawlers. Quillbot allows you to verify the word count and ensure that you write the desired number of words.

Proofreader – Checking the content yourself is a tough task, and Quillbot is a simple solution to this problem. It proofreads the whole content, highlights the mistakes, and asks you to change them by giving suggestions. It is much easier to use as you just have to click “Fix all errors” and it’s done. All the errors get automatically fixed without the need to change them one by one.

Pros and cons of Grammarly and Quillbot

Grammarly and Quillbot both are useful and valuable tools for any writer to make their content clear, error-free, grammatically correct, and engaging. But as we know, every coin has two sides, so both Quillbot and Grammarly have their pros and cons. With this information, you can determine whether Quillbot is worth it or whether Grammarly is a better fit for you. Deep knowledge of this will help you choose the one that suits you better.

Grammarly Pros

  • Easy-to-use Interface for Users
  • Comprehensive grammar and spelling check
  • Inbuilt plagiarism checker to avoid plagiarism issues
  • Writing style improvement to enhance readability
  • Give clear and concise suggestions
  • Provides content score to analyze the content difficulty
  • Easily understandable explanations
  • It can be integrated into MS Word, Google Docs, etc.
  • It has a mobile app version also
  • Save a lot of time that can go into editing manually.
  • Allow you to edit and correct the text while writing in docs
  • Extremely beneficial for businessmen and professionals

Grammarly cons

  • Highly accurate but cannot detect unique words and some company names
  • It does not allow you to stop it from pointing a certain type of mistake
  • Offline editing is not allowed
  • One-click error correction is not allowed
  • Overzealous corrections
  • No plagiarism check with a free version
  • Aggressive advertising to purchase a premium plan
  • The premium plan gives more suggestions compared to a free plan

Quillbot Pros

  • Top-class paraphrasing to instill creativity
  • Multi-language support (English, French, German, Spanish, etc.)
  • Customization with the help of 8 Different modes
  • Unique synonyms to enhance the content
  • A refund policy is available for premium plans
  • User-friendly interface
  • Citation tool for free
  • The co-writing feature allows writers to write and edit simultaneously
  • Free summarizer tool available
  • Easily Affordable
  • Zero chances for plagiarism if paraphrasing with Quillbot
  • One-click fix errors

Quillbot Cons

  • High-level synonyms only in the premium plan
  • Except for standard and fluency, other modes can be used only in the premium plan
  • The 125-word limit for paraphrasing in the free version
  • Lack of advanced features
  • Change the actual meaning of the sentence sometimes
  • In the free plan, there is only a one-word freezing limit.
  • The tone detector is not included.


Both Grammarly and Quillbot have their own pros and cons, but both are essential tools for writers. It is difficult to determine which one is better as both serve different purposes. Grammarly is best for grammar checking whereas Quillbot excels in paraphrasing and rewriting the content. Quillbot premium is definitely worth it for its unique features, but Grammarly also offers a wide range of features in its premium version. Ultimately, it’s up to the writer to decide which tool suits their needs and budget the best. Regardless of which tool you choose, both can greatly improve your writing skills and enhance the quality of your content. Don’t hesitate to try out both and see which one works best for you.